India and G20: An agenda for ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah’ | - Tech World news


Saturday, March 4, 2023

India and G20: An agenda for ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah’ |

India is a member of the G20, which is a forum of the world's leading economies. The G20 represents around 80% of the world's GDP and two-thirds of the global population. As a member of the G20, India has an important role to play in shaping the global agenda on a wide range of issues.

The phrase 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah' is a Sanskrit mantra that means 'May all beings be happy.' This mantra embodies the spirit of India's approach to global issues and can provide a guiding principle for India's agenda in the G20.

Here are some key areas where India can focus its efforts in the G20 to promote the well-being of all:

Climate Change: India has committed to achieving its Paris Agreement targets and is taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint. India can play a leadership role in promoting renewable energy and sustainable development in the G20.

Trade and Investment: India is a major player in the global economy, and it can use its influence to promote fair trade practices and attract investment in developing countries.

Health: India has made significant strides in improving public health, particularly in areas such as maternal and child health. India can share its expertise in these areas with other G20 countries and promote global health initiatives.

Education: India has a large population of young people who need access to quality education. India can work with other G20 countries to promote education as a means of promoting economic growth and reducing poverty.

Digitalization: India has a strong digital economy and is working to bridge the digital divide within its borders. India can use its experience to promote digitalization in the G20 and to ensure that the benefits of digitalization are shared by all.

In conclusion, India has an important role to play in the G20, and its agenda should be guided by the principle of 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah.' By promoting the well-being of all, India can help to shape a more equitable and sustainable world.

What is the G20?

The G20 is a forum of the world's leading economies. It represents around 80% of the world's GDP and two-thirds of the global population.

What is 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah'?

'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah' is a Sanskrit mantra that means 'May all beings be happy.' It embodies the spirit of India's approach to global issues.

What are some key areas where India can focus its efforts in the G20?

India can focus on climate change, trade and investment, health, education, and digitalization.

What is India's role in promoting renewable energy and sustainable development in the G20?

India can play a leadership role in promoting renewable energy and sustainable development in the G20 by sharing its expertise and working with other G20 countries to adopt sustainable practices.

How can India promote fair trade practices in the G20?

India can use its influence to promote fair trade practices in the G20 by advocating for policies that benefit developing countries and by working with other G20 countries to level the playing field.

What is India's role in promoting global health initiatives in the G20?

India can share its expertise in public health with other G20 countries and work with them to promote global health initiatives that benefit all.

How can India promote education in the G20?

India can work with other G20 countries to promote education as a means of promoting economic growth and reducing poverty, and by sharing its experience in providing quality education to its population.

How can India promote digitalization in the G20?

India can use its experience in bridging the digital divide within its borders to promote digitalization in the G20, and to ensure that the benefits of digitalization are shared by all.

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